Comments About "Continuan Ciegos"
"I liked your stuff, Nice modern rock sound with some solid guitar work.
I wish more was in English. I downloaded Walking Away to play on my radio show."
Michael Ray
I just want you to know that Teruah is one of the
"golden-est" (Elias you know this word) Altern-Hard Rock band that I have ever heard, nice lyrics, nice sound good enough
to throw yourselves as an international band but don’t take it too serious home is where the heart is so you guys better
stay in Panama to Rock the Nation, good luck guys.
"What's up boys? i checked out some of your songs....i like the style alot guys! thanks for giving
us a shout out as well. Maybe sometime our bands can do a show together in Ohio. Keep Rockin!"
Brad from the band "Altered"
"Great music! Keep up the good work. You guys have a lot of potential and it shows!!"
Andrew Cornelius
"Wow! These guys are tight. Great production. I love the song "Falling"
Brant Christopher